Robotory CI Club Vision, Mission & Values
Vision: To collaborate with educational institutions, associations, industry partners, and suppliers to develop a professional robotic industry education program for students that is designed to increase the quality of young engineers using Collective Intelligence (CI) Methodology
Mission: Improving the quality of young engineers using Collective Intelligence (CI) as the methodology (Theory) and robotic systems integration as the engine (Practice). Harnessing the power of the people using robots as the engine to increase human value
Values: A professional change to increase knowledge transfer from the grass roots level with minimal capital using Collective Intelligence Methodology to design and build a collaborative educational system for the robotic industry. To give every student a chance to create their own destiny by providing a hands-on platform to springboard off
Definition: The CI Club is a diverse culture composed of many engineers from robotic educational institutions that coordinate using self-organization, focused on the collective behaviors that result from the interactions of the individuals with each other and within the Robotic environment. Components include but not limited to:
- Many individuals
- Human interaction
- Homogeneous
- Simple behavior
- Self-organizes
- Uses interoperable technology to stay connected 24/7
SMART Innovation – Collective Intelligence training, innovation, and organic thinking
SMART Manufacturing – Design, Install, and Qualification hands-on at customer manufacturing facility
SMART Resources – Provides quality trained engineer with package, flex contract, or remains with NewBotic and moves to new project
Nine pronged approach
- Collective Intelligence methodology for training and innovation from all disciplines
- Mix non-linear or organic thinking when solving problems (systems thinking – systems dynamics)
- CI Club to spread awareness and engage young engineers worldwide
- F1 inclusion to speed integrating language and culture mix creating larger pool to draw from international resources. ~Don’t endure diversity, embrace it~
- Real business and hands-on installations at manufacturing facilities
- The placement of quality trained young engineers with the robot or automation installation package at customer sites
- Offer flex contract to hone manufacturing process if customer does not have open req
- Relationship grows and strengthens after placement of engineer by providing continued support and tighter bonds between the two companies
- CI Club provides the platform for young engineers to springboard into industry
- Industrial Student Residency – Customizable, flexible, modular, culture, and process fit program
What is Collective intelligence?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Types of collective intelligence
Collective intelligence is shared or group intelligence that emerges from the collaboration, collective efforts, and competition of many individuals and appears inconsensus decision making. The term appears in sociobiology, political science and in context of mass peer review and crowdsourcing applications. It may involve consensus,social capital and formalisms such as voting systems, social media and other means of quantifying mass activity. Collective IQ is a measure of collective intelligence, although it is often used interchangeably with the term collective intelligence.
It can be understood as an emergent property from the synergies among: 1) data-information-knowledge; 2) software-hardware; and 3) experts (those with new insights as well as recognized authorities) that continually learns from feedback to produce just-in-time knowledge for better decisions than these three elements acting alone. Or more narrowly as an emergent property between people and ways of processing information. This notion of collective intelligence is referred to as Symbiotic intelligence by Norman Lee Johnson. The concept is used in sociology, business, computer science and mass communications: it also appears in science fiction.
Pierre Lévy defines collective intelligence as, "It is a form of universally distributed intelligence, constantly enhanced, coordinated in real time, and resulting in the effective mobilization of skills. I'll add the following indispensable characteristic to this definition: The basis and goal of collective intelligence is mutual recognition and enrichment of individuals rather than the cult of fetishized or hypostatized communities."
According to researchers Lévy and Kerckhove, it refers to capacity of networked ICTs (Information communication technologies) to enhance the collective pool of social knowledge by simultaneously expanding the extent of human interactions. Collective intelligence strongly contributes to the shift of knowledge and power from the individual to the collective. According to Eric S. Raymond (1998) and JC Herz (2005), open source intelligence will eventually generate superior outcomes to knowledge generated by proprietary software developed within corporations (Flew 2008).
Meanwhile media theorist Henry Jenkins sees collective intelligence as an 'lternative source of media power', which is closely related to convergence culture. He draws attention to education and the way people are learning to participate in such knowledge cultures outside of formal learning settings. Henry Jenkins criticizes schools which promote 'autonomous problem solvers and self-contained learners' while remaining hostile to learning through the means of collective intelligence.
Ultimately, both Pierre Lévy (2007) and Henry Jenkins (2008) support the claim that collective intelligence is important for the process of democratization, as it is interlinked with knowledge-based culture, which is sustained by collective idea sharing, and thus contributes to a better understanding of diverse society among different actors.
Writers who have influenced the idea of collective intelligence include Douglas Hofstadter (1979), Peter Russell (1983), Tom Atlee (1993), Pierre Lévy (1994), Howard Bloom(1995), Francis Heylighen (1995), Douglas Engelbart, Cliff Joslyn, Ron Dembo, Gottfried Mayer-Kress (2003).