To become the Premier Robotics and Automation Systems Integrator worldwide by cultivating engineers who work at NewBotic. Will accomplish this by improving the quality of our engineers using Collective Intelligence (CI) as the methodology and robotics/systems integration as the engine
As a secondary mission, the NewBotic Movement aims to spawn motivation, passion, and unity by putting in place pro-active procedures to mitigate the growing problem of finding qualified engineers for the manufacturing reshoring initiative. Our focus is to use Collective Intelligence (CI) to improve the quality of engineers providing robotic and automation systems integration to solve manufacturing, warehousing and distribution problems. CI is a peer reviewed methodology that is poised to solve large complex problems facing humanity in the future. NewBotic's engineering design space and ‘hands-on’ Robotories will be located in major technological city centers.
Bringing our engineers up to speed is critical before saturating the workforce with employees who are not fully developed. Setting the bar higher now will allow our baby boomer staff to transfer ‘high-level’ specialized skills to our younger generation engineers before they retire allowing tacit knowledge to flow into subsequent generations. CI is about embracing diversity not just enduring it. An important aspect of CI involves overcoming the cultural and language barriers that are prevalent in today’s workplace. Honing in on CI targets the inclusion of the diversity of all workers. The sooner we can truly break the cultural and language barrier the more intelligent the collective solution will be.
The Robotory program significantly improves the quality of our engineers and provides highly skilled hands-on applications by installing robotic and automation systems into our customer's operations. Pre and post design, install, and validation of robotic and automation systems helps bring jobs back to America. When validation is complete, the customer has the option to contract the lead engineer for honing automation processes at in their facility. The engineer now has expert knowledge of the customer’s culture, process, and product with highest degree of best-fit for the position. The engineer will help transfer CI methodology throughout the customer’s facility spawning widespread implementation while maintain a lifelong relationship with NewBotic.